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4 Techniques to Improve Telesales Scripts to Get More Sales

April 28, 2014

Improving your telesales scripts is actually much easier than you might think. The bottom line is you simply need to develop some understanding and apply some key principles, and you will see an increase in sales in a short period of time. While these techniques might seem simple, the reason is that they really are and only need to be implemented to be effective. Here are four key strategies on how to improve your telesales script to get more sales.

Implying Value to the Customer
When your company sells over the phone, it can be very difficult to get a prospective customer to stay on the line. Trying to convince them to drop everything and listen to a sales pitch is not an effective strategy any longer. The best way to grab their attention and keep them engaged is to simply tell them right at the start all the benefits your product will provide them. Convincing a customer over the phone that your product is going to help them is an effective way over trying to convince them of the product value.

Finding a Customers Challenges
Chances are if you get a potential customer on the phone who will listen to your pitch, you have less than three or four minutes to get the point across. Don't waste this time explaining how the product or service works. Rather, focus on all the challenges that person might be experiencing that your product can eliminate. By focusing on their challenges you turn the customer around and give them a clearer understanding of what your product will do if they decide to purchase. In your telesales script you could include issues that are causing them pain, and then see if any relate to this potential customer.

Qualify Your Potential Customers
One of the biggest mistakes that many companies make when it comes to their telesales script is they tailor the words to be generic enough to cover all of the customers they call. This can sound not only scripted to the buyer,but  it also comes of as impersonal when they are not affected by the words you are using. Simply asking the buyer a couple questions early on can help to personalize the script and get the conversation moving along. Including a few questions in your telesales script can transform the entire pitch and make your inquire much more personal.

Moving the Customer Along
During your short time to speak with this potential customer you will eventually have to make the switch from a pitch to a sales call. By switching to a sales process and implementing some key terms like how your product is different, sharing customer testimonials, current customer success stories, or even painting a picture of future success, you give the buyer the call to action they need. Telling them how by not acting is can effect their future sales is another great way to turn the conversation quickly to a sales call and help close the deal.

We would like to thank Marketingexperiments.com for some of the content we have shared here with you today.


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