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How to do a Better Job of Leading Yourself

January 19, 2014

Being able to lead yourself can be a challenge for many individuals simply because they do not have the skills or experience to help themselves. Often people are left feeling that they need to be led by people of authority because they obviously have the training to do a much better job. The simple truth is that with a little self-control you have the self-leadership tools within yourself to choose whichever path that you want to travel in your life. Here are some simple techniques you can work on today so that you can do a better job of leading yourself.

Who Are You
One of the ways that many successful leaders get people motivated and working more efficiently is by getting to know the people they are leading. This is a technique you can apply to improve your self leadership skills. Take some time when you are alone or have an hour of quiet where you can simply dig down and find out who you really are. Look back on past experiences and successes, and see what it took for you to achieve those goals that looked impossible at the time. Looking back you may feel a sense of accomplishment at how many major obstacles you overcame with determination and persistence. Call upon those experiences to help you lead yourself to improving your current situation.

Dream the Big Dream
Make certain that if you do not have your goals clearly laid out and written somewhere you can see them each day, that you stop and do that immediately. Not having clear goals is like shooting an arrow at a moving target from miles away. How can you possible reach your goals when you don\'t know what they are? Make your dreams and goals big, even if you have no idea how you will achieve them right now. When your goals are so big that you see all the joy they will bring you, you will find that motivation each day that will drive you right to those goals.

Reward Yourself Today
One of the problems many people have with self leadership is that they never reward themselves when they do something great. People achieve a goal and start looking towards the next project, rather than taking the time to be rewarded for accomplishing that goal. When you reward yourself for reaching that level, you will be motivated to get to the next goal. These rewards do not have to be so big that you feel guilty. Simply think of ways to pamper yourself that you have been neglecting. A 30 minute massage, a new haircut, your favorite ice cream, a new magazine, and a new piece of apparel, are all ways to reward yourself and start taking better care of yourself. This is supposed to be a journey, so enjoy the entire ride.

Stop beating yourself up with each and every failure you have along the way. Failures are simply speedbumps in the road to success, and everybody has them. Self leadership is all about taking control of your mind and body, and you have to treat yourself with respect and encouragement to be motivated to get to the next step. Remember that years from now you will look back will awe and amazement at how far you came, so why not stop now and smile at how far you have come and how far you are going to go.


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