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Call Me, Maybe? A Sophisticated Approach

July 30, 2012

Flickr/ Alex Montandon

Insidesales.com studied the 100,000 call attempts and 15,000 leads that comprised 3 years of call data from 6 separate companys’ web leads. And they found answers.

What day should you call?

Wednesdays or Thursdays are by far the best. And by best I mean about 50% more successful than Mondays.

Okay, but what time on a Wednesday or Thursday?

If you want to begin the sales process, either 8-9AM or 4-5PM. If you just want to make a connection, get some contact, then your best bet is to call 4-6PM.

Alright then, I’ll try to call Wednesday or Thursday between 4 and 5, but what if I get my lead on Monday, should I wait until Wednesday at 4:30 to call them?

Heck to the no! Call them NOW. A call is 20 times more likely to move into the sales process when made FIVE minutes after the customer first touches base. Five minutes, guys.

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