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guest blogging

The Top 10 Best Websites to Post Business Guest Blog Posts

April 17, 2017

Guest posting is the marketing tactic of writing and publishing an original article, or any other relevant original content, on someone else's blog. It is a great way for businesses to increase their exposure to their target market and generate quality traffic to their websites. It also helps with search engine optimization for your website, as writing a guest post can often lead to you receiving a high quality back-link that points at your website. This makes Google's website ranking algorithm happy.

Additional benefits of guest blog posting are that it helps to increase your brand awareness, it shows that you are an expert in your field, and it can help you attract new clients.

Guest posting is also beneficial for the blog you are writing for because it provides them with new and original content, and that is something every blog desperately needs. The new content you create will be of value to the blog's audience and it will help the blog get more social media and search engine traffic, as it is fresh new content for search engines to index. 

Therefore, guest blog posting is good for your business and good for the blogs you write for.

The process of guest blog posting on popular business blogs

Depending on the size and popularity of the business blog you are contacting to see if they will accept and publish your article, It may take a fair amount of effort to get your article accepted, especially if you are new to writing blog posts or the company you work for is small and unknown. Here are some tips to help you increase your odds of getting your guest blog post accepted and published at a major business blog.

1. Do extensive research on the blogs that write about your industry. Also research the topics they like to publish as well as the editors working for those blogs. It helps to first build a relationship with an editor at a blog you want to guest post for in order to get your guest post accepted and published. The better your relationship with blog editors, the better your odds of getting your guest posts published and promoted.

2. Make sure you follow the rules of the blog's guest post submission guidelines. Not following their rules is a quick way to get your article rejected.

3. Make sure you write for the blog's specific audience. The more aligned your article is to their audience and the type of content that blog frequently posts, the better chance you have of getting your guest post published.

4. Start by pitching several ideas for a guest post. It is often easier to get a guest post accepted if you first contact the blog's editor and share ideas you have for writing a guest blog post and then writing an article on the topic they like most.

5. Create a relationship with the website's editorial team through social media liking, commenting, and sharing their content to your social media accounts. You can also connect with their editors and writers using LinkedIn.

6. Never be afraid to follow up after you've made a guest blog pitch or submitted an article. As with most things in life, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So, be persistent but not annoying.

7. Always be kind and gracious to the blog's editors whether your article is accepted or declined. Just because they said no to this article you wrote does not mean they will say no to the next one you write. By being kind and gracious you will leave a good impression with the editors, which can help you get a "yes" for the next article you pitch to them. Never burn your bridges by being a jerk to the editors if they decline your guest post.

The top 10 business blogs for pitching your guest posts

1. Medium.com

Medium is a very popular online publishing platform that allows people from all walks of life to read, write and share stories that matter to them. This blogging platform is open to anyone, and unlike many of the blogs below, it does not have an approval process. To post your article on Medium, all you need to do is create a free Medium account.

2. LinkedIn Pulse

LinkedIn Pulse is another very popular business blogging/publishing platform that does not have an approval process. Just like with Medium, all you need to do is create a free LinkedIn Profile and you can start publishing your articles to LinkedIn Pulse. Because LinkedIn Pulse is so popular among business professionals, it is an outstanding platform to get your article read thousands of times.

3. The Huffington Post

The business and finance section of this very popular blog provides business and financial information as well as allowing guest writers to express their opinions on employment, housing, corporate America, and many other popular business issues. While getting your guest post published on this blog can be fairly difficult, it is worth the effort because this blog gets an incredible amount of traffic, which could lead to your article being read literally tens of thousands of times or more. Also, getting a backlink on this blog can really help your search engine optimization efforts, moving your website higher up in the rankings on Google.

To be a Huffington Post article contributor, make sure you write an article that matches their unique writing style. Once you have written your article, you can submit it to the Huffington Post through these contacts: https://www.huffpost.com/static/how-to-pitch-huffpost

4. Business Insider

This is a German-owned American technology, celebrity, financial, tech, and business blog. Apart from English, it also provides information in German and Polish. For more information on how to be a guest writer at Business Insider, contact: https://www.businessinsider.com/contact

5. Entrepreneur.com

This website looks into the latest trends in the entrepreneurial world while giving business advice to both big and small businesses. However, it is known for the way it helps small business entrepreneurs by offering them information on how to successfully run startups and transform them into fast growing medium to large companies.

To guest post here, you need to first read their How do I submit an article for publication page and contact them for help if needed: https://help.entrepreneur.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045947191-How-do-I-submit-an-article-for-publication

6. Inc.com

Inc. puts great emphasis on "how to" tactics and strategies for growing and improving a business. Its articles have information on the means of improving public speaking, the interdepartmental flow of information and management, as well as business profiles of various companies. To write for Inc.com, you will need to do a straightforward email pitch. To pitch your article idea, email Inc. at pitches@inc.com.

7. Forbes.com

This website and news blog is huge when it comes to American business affairs. It offers regular updates on markets, finance, and world business news. Forbes.com publishes articles on investing, technology, industry, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, and leadership converge. It is also widely known for chronicling the lifestyles of the ultra rich and how they run their businesses.

To submit an article to Forbes, you first need to read their "Submitting an Article to Forbes Opinion" page. Once you have read and understand their submission guidelines, you can then send your original and high quality article to opinion@forbes.com. Normally, they take around 5 business days to get back to you. If they don't contact you within a week, there is a high possibility that your article didn't make the cut.

8. Fortune

This is the go-to news site when you need information on Fortune 500 companies. It is globally known for its consistent and reliable ranking of the Fortune 500 global companies. These companies are ranked based on their revenues and their impact in the world. To submit an article to Fortune, you will need to first contact one of their editors and pitch your article idea. You can find their editors at https://fortunemediakit.com/editorial-bios/.

9. Bloomberg Business Week https://www.bloomberg.com/businessweek

This magazine provides the latest news with regard to the business community in addition to having financial news, stocks and bonds advice, as well as a detailed coverage of the main global businesses and business events. It is known for its ability to motivate world business leaders to turn ideas into tangible action. It acts as a de facto moderator to worldwide business conversations.

To write for this business blog, submit an 800 to 1,000 word article to oped@bloomberg.net for review.

10. The Economist

This business site offers an analysis of current affairs as well as international news and cultural trends overviews and business reports. It is highly regarded when it comes to the provision of information regarding the performance of the world economy. For details on how to submit your article to The Economist, click on the following link: https://www.economist.com/styleguide/introduction.


LinkedIn Pulse and Medium.com are the easiest of the large blog sites to get your articles published as opposed to the other eight sites, which require a more difficult and formal submission and approval process. However, it is worth the work to try and get your original guest post blog articles published at all of these large blog news sites because it will expose your content to a very large audience, it will help to increase your company's brand recognition, it will showcase you as an expert in your field, it can help you attract new clients, and it can greatly help you with Search Engine Optimization.


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