A salesman deals with a significant amount of sales objections when dealing with business owners. One of the more popular replies from a client is, "I want to think about it." The secret to overcoming this objection is to first understand what the business owner is really saying to you, and how you can apply that knowledge and turn this small rejection into a sale and a long lasting business relationship.
Many salespeople when they hear the client say they need to think about it, simply feel that they pitched their best presentation and that maybe in fact the client does need time to let it soak in. Others get mad and feel they wasted an hour presenting all the positives about the product and this buyer won\'t budge. The truth of the matter is, you as a salesperson need to realize it is not the fault of the buyer. They are simply hitting the stop button on your presentation because they have one of three fears that they simply cannot express to you in words. The buyer may see some perceived risk in your presentation and wants nothing to do with it. They might just have an unspoken fear about trying something new and want out. Or, they may not be comfortable saying no.
Here is the good news. These are all normal gut reactions many business owners make. It really is not their fault. What you need to do is analyze your last presentation and see if you could have spotted these sales objections early on in the pitch. Did you press too hard for the product, giving the buyer the feeling you were moving too fast? Did you talk with the buyer like a friend, with a soft dialog that felt like you were an old buddy, or did you just go for the throat and try to land this guy with just pitch, pitch, pitch? Did you create a sense of urgency in the buyer that left them feeling like they had to purchase from you or they would be missing out?
Usually if you can identify where you may have gone a little off track, you can create a new presentation that will have the prospect saying yes at the end instead of needing to think some more. By addressing a few of these concerns in advance and by offering the prospect a look at how your product will benefit them more than the competition, you close the deal more often. You do not need to beat up your competitors, but you need to identify how to present yourself in the best possible light, focus on the positive, and give the buyer that urgency to make the deal.
Advance preparation can eliminate many sales objections, including them needing to think about it. Now that you understand that the buyer may have some underlying fears, look for these signs during your next presentation. The buyer may already fear your price is too high, but if you pick up on this early, you can then tweak the presentation to focus more on the value it will give your customer in the long run. If they seem like they want to stick with an old salesman they have worked with and you pick up on it, turn around and sell more of yourself as a hard working, efficient, persistent and get the job done type of guy. Identify the reasons behind this objection, and you simply can prevent it if you adjust your offer accordingly.
For information on how to create and manage amazing proposals using our cloud-based proposal management software, please call us at 888-972-7375 or click here to email us.