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New Proposal Software Features for November

November 30, 2012

Email Changes

The email screen has changed. Where you would see the link to the proposal you will now see <<document link>>:

Email Document Link

Do not remove <<document link>>, but you can customize the entire rest of the message. When the email is sent it will be replaced with the actual link to your proposal or eBrochure.  If you use Copy to Clipboard or Open Directly In Your Email the link will be replaced in your email as usual.

This change was necessary to support the Disable Prompt for Email feature described below.

Disable Prompt for Email

On the Client Info screen when you are creating a proposal you will see a new checkbox to disable prompt for email.  We suggest using this when you are just sending out information on your company such as an eBrochure.  When the recipient clicks the link they will be taken directly to the eBrochure or proposal without being prompted for their email.  You may also use this for a proposal if you think the extra step of the prospect entering their email may pose a problem.

TIP: If you disable the prompt for email you will not know who else viewed the proposal other than the people you sent the proposal to.  Also note that if you do not send the email through paperless the viewers will come into your stats as anonymous.

Disable Prompt for Email and Link Checkboxes

Disable Link so Prospect Can No Longer View

With this new feature you may disable your proposal so the prospect can no longer view the material.  This is useful in cases where you lost the proposal or you only wanted to provide an eBrochure for a limited time.  When a prospect tries to view a disabled proposal or eBrochure they will be informed that the material is no longer available and to contact their sales rep.  You will also receive an email that the prospect tried to view the disabled material.


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