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ClientPoint Release Announcement - February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018

ClientPoint Release Announcement - February 26, 2018

Announcing the latest version of ClientPoint.  We are proud to announce the following new features. Please keep an eye out for these new features in your account.

Internal Sharing Screen Improved

The Internal Share screen which can be accessed from the Send screen when building a proposal has been redesigned.  We have changed the interface to provide a much easier sharing experience with the ability to share notifications in addition to the current functionality to share access internally to a proposal.  Users can now enable/disable these notifications allowing the group of people with access to edit the proposal the ability to also receive the following notifications:

  • Proposal viewed
  • New comments from viewer
  • Document uploaded from viewer
  • Proposal signed
  • Proposal downloaded by viewer

Library Expiration Notifications

Administrators and Division Administrators will now receive a 7 day and 24 hour prior email notification for library files which are expiring.  As an administrator if you would like to turn this feature on or off for some of your other administrators you can change the File Expiry Notification setting in settings->Company Setup->Users when editing the user.

Updated Salesforce Panel for ClientPoint

We have updated the ClientPoint panel in Salesforce with a clean title bar, redesigned new button, and color coding of the view status.

Make a File Internal from the Files Screen

All Paperless users can now make any file as “Internal” from files screen while working on a proposal. This will allow you to include a file in a proposal that will not be presented to the recipient of the proposal.  This is a great feature that was just available to an administrator in the library. Now a user can keep important internal files together with the proposal files. Any file which is set to be “Internal” from settings->Library Setup->Library will be forced to stay internal and cannot be changed by a user.

Mark Files as Internal from Files Screen

Default the Downloadable Setting in Settings

Admins will be able to make any library file default to downloadable. This is in addition to the current ability for a user to do so on the files screen in a proposal. If this setting is enabled on a file in Settings->Library recipients can download the base file in its uploaded format not just the PDF while viewing the proposal.

Default File as Downloadable in Settings

Other Improvements and Resolved Issues

  • Administrators can now choose to disable the use of “Google Documents” for their library and proposal files.
  • Duplicated display of files in settings->library files while scrolling through the files has been resolved.
  • On mobile devices the issue while switching between landscape and portrait mode rapidly the document sometimes will only show the top half of the screen has been resolved.
  • On mobile devices the internal and external link in the content of a document will be disabled to prevent accidental navigation on a mobile device.
  • While searching the content in a document the placement of the search result highlight is misplaced in some documents. This issue is now fixed.
  • Enhancements to expanding and collapsing the navigation while viewing a proposal now scales the document in a seamless manner.
  • Redesign of the disabled proposal page to improve the user experience
  • Internal documents are kept internal after a local edit
  • An issue with uploading multiple attachments has been resolved
  • Processing message was sometimes incorrect when uploading a new file
  • The overlay/pagination option buttons would sometimes display with incorrect spacing
  • The Go to Next Section button when on the last page of a document is always present now when you scroll to the bottom of a document
  • Internal share activity logging in HubSpot CRM message issue has been resolved
  • After a viewer uses the goto page feature the page number is updated as they navigate the document

We truly hope you enjoy the enhancements and that they bring even more power to your proposals.

For any comments or questions please email support@clientpoint.net.

Have a great week,

My Nguyen

Training Manager

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