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Tips for Making Your Business Proposals Win More Business

September 24, 2013

The difference between failure and success when it comes to competing for business is a well composed and written business proposal. Companies see dozens if not hundreds of business proposals come across their desks, and the only way to get your proposal to be approved by the decision makers in that company is by creating a better business proposal than your competitors are creating. Understanding the structure of the business proposal is extremely important when you are trying to show the client you understand their business and have identified a problem that you can address, but there are other ways to making your proposal win more business.

First of all, you already should understand the basic structure and layout of a successful business proposal. Once you have the basic structure of the business proposal you really need to look at it from the client\'s point of view, and create the proposal from the frame of mind that this is a marketing tool, you are trying to influence a buyer and the proposal is that tool. The first thing you want to do with your proposal is go over it and make sure that you didn\'t assume the client already knows who you are. Don\'t try to come across like a big player in the industry or you will be mistaken for an arrogant company who is simply beating their chest showing all their past accomplishments. Write the proposal as if you are a new company to the client so they don\'t assume what your capabilities are.

Never assume in your business proposal that you are the best in your field. The language you use in your proposal should not say you are the leader in your field by trashing all your competition. The bottom line is that you may not be the best in your field, and trying to convince a prospective client is a sure way to turn them off. Rather than use language saying you are the best, you want to demonstrate in the proposal how you are the best. Use evidence, past experiences, testimonials, and examples of how you have identified problems with other companies and prove to them how the problems were corrected and how they can measure the success you had. Showing graphs, charts and proof you have increased a company’s bottom line looks much more impressive than had you simply said you were the best in the business at doing that.

The business proposal is all about the client, so try and limit the amount of time that you talk about yourself. Try to hold back placing your business name throughout the proposal, and place more emphasis on the clients name and how you will solve the client’s problem. You want to help the client with their company’s problem, so be sure to start as many paragraphs with the client\'s name, so they get a sense and feeling it is all about them.

Finally when you construct your business proposal, refrain from claiming you are the industry leader or popular choice. These terms can put off some clients, and unless you have rock solid proof to back up the claims you are the industry leader, then leave it out. If you have documents that show otherwise, then you can attach them to the proposal, but in most cases try to steer clear of tooting your own horn too much in a business proposal.


For information on how to create and manage amazing proposals using our cloud-based proposal management software, please call us at 888-972-7375 or click here to email us.

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