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Top 10 Tools for Creating Content for Your Website or Blog

January 25, 2014

Creating content for your website or blog that is unique and engaging takes quite a bit of time to accomplish. One of the reasons that the process can take so long is because content writers may not be aware of all the tools around them that can help them to streamline the process. Now we are not talking about the spinning tools that take an article and with the press of a button change certain words to create a brand new article. These tools are garbage and the content will read like trash. Here are the top 10 tools that will help to you add unique, engaging and fresh content on your website. These free tools will save you time and help you to create content that is optimized for the search engines to drive more traffic to your website.

1. Reference.com is a great resource website to help you to become an expert on just about any niche. When your website is primarily about traveling, and you need to go into detail about which types of mountain bikes are perfect for the climb up to the volcano on Maui, using Reference.com can help. All the information that you need to become an expert is literally at your fingertips.

2. Dictionary.com is another great resource for cleaning up the content on your website and for improving on the description of important terms for your visitors. There are time that you may be familiar with a specific term, but you may lose your visitors with that terminology. If you are unsure how to translate that content into laymen terms, Dictionary.com can help you become fluent with all the definitions of any word on your website.

3. Thesaurus.com is probably the best way to express your thoughts in a way that does not sound repetitive. There are only so many ways that you can describe the process of peeling an apple, yet with Thesaurus.com you can continue explaining the process in unique and engaging words that allow you to look like an authority in that niche.

4. Grammarbase.com is a unique tool that you can use to automatically check for spelling and grammar mistakes in your content. Paste in your content and with the click of a mouse you will see all your spelling and punctuation mistakes. Cleaning them up takes seconds and your content will look much more professional.

5. Factbrowser.com allows you to get additional information of certain facts you are claiming on your website. When you need to accurately tell your visitors the distance from Venus to Mars, rather than make guesses you can get the facts.

6. Greenshot.com allows you to surf the web and grab anything that appears on your screen. With a basic photo editor on the website you can easily transform any pictures to fit on your website more easily.

7. TagCrowd.com allows you to instantly create your own tag cloud from text so your can show in a visual format which words are used more frequently on your website. This will help visitors to see which are the hot topics on your website and will drive those visitors to those pages.

8. Wordpress All in One SEO is a free plugin that can help create content for you that the search engine spiders will read. This unique plugin creates the meta titles, descriptions, and keywords that the search engine spiders need to see in order to index and rank your pages effectively. This tool can save you time looking through your website coding to find the places to add meta information correctly.

9. Google Calender is an excellent tool to help you on track with your content goals. Schedule deadlines when you need certain content created by, and your calendar will remind you as those deadlines approach. This is a great free motivational tool to keep you from falling behind on adding fresh content to your website.

10. Hootsuite will help you to promote your content in a way that does not come off as spammy. Usually you fall behind on your promotions, and then spend a day promoting your content on multiple networks. This looks unprofessional and all your hard work writing will go to waste. Use Hootsuite to schedule when that content should be posted, and let it drip feed those articles automatically throughout the week.


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