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The Top 5 Free Mozilla Firefox Extensions for Small Businesses

August 14, 2014

Mozilla Firefox has been becoming the browser of choice for many small business owners who have simply had enough with Internet Explorer and other inept browsing platforms. The Firefox platform is much more stable and the security levels are unrivaled. One of the reasons that many small business owners are making the switch is for the incredibly large amount of free Firefox extensions for business that are available. Being able to customize the entire Firefox experience with some of the most incredible free business extensions can help you run your business much more efficiently. Here are the top five free Firefox extensions for business that will help you make the most of your time online.

1. The ColorZilla Free Extension
One of the ways to create a more powerful brand is by making certain all your online profiles are similar in appearance. This helps to allow your customers to easily identify all your offerings online with a single glance. Colorzilla is a Firefox extensions for business that will allow you to make 100% certain that each online profile you have looks exactly like it should. The extension places a small eyedropper on your status bar that allow you to click anywhere on your screen and know exactly what RGB or color code is associated with that area. If your logo or branding has unique colors, you can make certain all those pages and profiles around the web with your information on them are all perfectly in line with the click of a mouse.

2. The Gmail Manager Free Extension
Most small business owners have several different Gmail accounts for a variety of reasons. Being able to access the emails you use for sales, returns, inquires, social media questions, and your discussion board posts all in one place can really help you to make the most of your time online. The Gmail Manager Firefox extension helps you to place all those emails in one simple location. Now you can retrieve and view ll those incoming emails without having to log in to Google several times under different account names. Being able to view new messages from all your Gmail email accounts at once can save you a tremendous amount of time each day.

3. The Adblock Plus Free Extension
One of the biggest distractions online is those annoying advertisements that are starting to pop up just about anywhere you visit online. These ads have even found their way into email notifications on certain mail platforms. Adblock Plus is one of those Firefox extensions for business that will help you to avoid being bombarded with those ads throughout your day. These ads can also be very distracting if you are trying to read or post some content online. Now you can view any page on the internet without being subjected to distracting advertisements.

4. The Quirk Search Status Free Extension
Possible one of the most powerful Firefox extensions for business is Quirk Search Status. This extremely powerful and free extension will do so much work for you instantly that you will have more time to focus on other aspects of your business. When you want to know quickly how one of your website pages are performing, you simply visit that page and the Quirk extension goes to work. You instantly have access to the pages PageRank, Alexa ranking, and the Google category. The extension will provide you with MozRank, link information, as well as outbound links to Google, MSN, and Yahoo. With all this information at your fingertips you can figure out quickly whether a page is performing as to your goals. 

5. Scrapbook Free Extension
When you run a small business, you are online researching and acquiring information all the time. Trying to keep all those pages and websites organized so you can review and research them at a later time just got easier with the use of the Scrapbook Firefox extension. This extension allows you to easily manage all your saved collections that include snippets of web pages, entire web pages, or the website itself. The extension allows you to organize the collections similar to how you organize bookmarks. The biggest benefit is the use of the quick filtering and full text search features.

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