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Google Adwords

The Top 5 Reasons a Business Should Advertise on Google Adwords PPC

December 27, 2013

You may be on the fence whether or not to invest in Google Adwords search advertising because of all the mixed feedback you can receive just about anywhere on the internet. The Adwords program is extremely successful and can work for just about any business wanting to increase traffic to their website. You will have the roll your sleeves up and invest some time and some money to make your campaign successful, but like thousands of successful companies who are enjoying a huge surge in traffic you will eventually find your efforts well worth it. Here are the top 5 reasons that your business must advertise on Google Adwords PPC.

Properly Measuring Your Results
When many business owners create marketing campaigns it is very difficult to see what actions caused what results. The efforts you set forth in a marketing campaign are difficult to tie down to a specific action. This is where Google Adwords is different. With this type of marketing you can get measurable results right at your fingertips. You will clearly see which metrics provided good results and which bombed. You can adjust the ones that did not perform as well as expected and continue using the metrics that brought decent sales. No other type of marketing will allow you to see exact results in real time.

Scaling Up Your Efforts
With traditional marketing campaigns many people find it difficult to scale up successful campaigns. To generate 10 times the leads you have to increase the effort by 10 times That is not very efficient in today\'s marketing world. Google Adwords search advertising allows you to scale up a successful campaign with the click of a mouse and increase your sales leads while doing nothing more than duplicating a successful campaign you created. Creating more leads with less effort is like doing the work of 10 salesman by yourself.

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
Anyone who has tried SEO campaigns can tell you that it takes a significant amount of time before you will even see results. This is partly due to Google having to index, rank, and sort out your pages. This takes weeks if not months before any of your efforts see results. Google Adwords search advertising is immediate, meaning you can see results today from the efforts you made today. When you see results that fast you also have the ability to test out which keywords are getting you the most traffic and see those results instantly. No other form of marketing will allow you to get immediate feedback on how traffic is coming to your website.

Easy as A-B-C
Learning about keyword density, search engine optimization, backlinks, unique content, meta descriptions, and title tags is extremely difficult and will not give you instant sales or traffic unless you do it perfectly. The biggest difference with PPC is that it is simple. You create campaigns based on keywords that describe your business and you test those campaigns to see which brings the most traffic. Running test campaigns for pennies a click is a great way to get a feel for what key phrases bring in the best amount of traffic. You do not have to continually work on your PPC like you do with SEO. With your website your SEO campaigns need to be worked on daily as you try and create a balance that both the search engines and the visitors find appealing.

Your Neighbors Doing It
Probably the biggest reason you should be using Google Adwords search advertising is because your competitors are using it. What type of chance does your business have when your competition is paying to be on the first page for the keywords you both use on your websites. Simply do a search for a few keywords that relate to your business and see how many of your competitors are sitting there in the sponsored results section high up on the page. How many potential sales did you lose today because they simply clicked one of your competitors ads? This should be one of the biggest reasons you finally considering using PPC in your marketing campaign.


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