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The Top 5 Ways To Use Social Media to Sell Your Products or Services

April 11, 2014

While social media is growing in popularity year after year, many business owners are still experiencing difficulty in selling their products and services on these platforms. With so many different social sites to choose from, many business owners are simply spreading themselves too thin and not getting the full benefit of the millions of users that visit these social media sites on a daily basis. Here are the top five to use social media to sell your products or services.

The Power of LinkedIn
LinkedIn is one of the more powerful social media websites for professionals. While soliciting this platform with the intention of just promoting your products is frowned upon, this is where you must have an online presence to grow your business. The way this website works is you must first gain the trust of other members first through interaction and sharing of information. Helping others learn more about your niche is a great way to position yourself as an authority in your industry. Once you gain their trust, selling them on your business is simple. They will already come to see you as a leader and someone they trust in that niche, and when they need your particular service they will surely come look for you first.

Make It Easy to Promote Your Business
To understand the power of social media, you only need to think about how important a referral is in your business. It is like a customer handing you a new customer with you not doing any selling. This is how important it is to have social media "like" and share buttons on your website. This buttons act like referrals when clicked. The visitor is not only telling their inner circle about your company, they are recommending your products for you. Incorporate the like and share buttons on all your website and blog pages.

Stand Out From the Crowd
One of the problems that many companies have when promoting themselves on social sites is they do the same thing every other business in that niche is doing. When ten companies that sell sneakers constantly put up posts about sneakers they sell, it can be a challenge telling one from the other. Make your posts unique, funny, creative, and most importantly a reflection of your personality. This way it will be much easier for customers to associate your posts to your products.

Touching the Products
While it is impossible to let every potential customer touch the merchandise, you can give them the next best thing. Create a professional video that showcases your products up close and personal. Let the visitors see your product in action, or up close from different angles. Making a Vine, Snapchat, or a Instagram video is a great way to let your customers get to touch the product before buying.

The Power of Google+
One of the social media websites that you must be active on is Google+ because they are connected to more that you can imagine. In addition to your posts being instantly connected to the most powerful search engine around, you also benefit from your interaction connecting to YouTube, Analytics, and even e-mail. This social network is extremely powerful and will get your products and services not only in front of your targeted audience, those posts will climb the organic search results and appear whenever a user searches for your keywords.


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