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How to Write a Blog When Your Industry is Dull

January 15, 2014

With social media exploding all over the internet, it is certainly in your company\'s best interest to have a business presence on a few of those platforms. The one problem that many companies experience though is that they are simply not in an interesting industry that would seem to inspire others to want to engage with your social media content. Social media has made it very easy for any company to grow through online interaction, no matter if they sell colored marbles, roofing nails, or tire patches. Here are some simple techniques you can employ to write an interesting blog even though your industry is not very exciting.

The best way to get visitors to interact with your blog is to only choose a few select social media platforms to participate on and promote your business. Too many companies feel the need to be on as many different social media sites as possible, and as a result they spread themselves too thin and the interaction often dissipates very quickly. When you have a less than exciting industry that you work in, you have to find the right fit for your company. Start by setting up an account on Twitter. This social media platform allows you to send out small pieces of content that all link back to your blog. Start out by looking for individuals or groups related to your niche. If you sell tire patches for bicycles, look for people who are involved with cycling. There are millions of people who have something to do with bicycles, so start by following a few, as well as their followers too.

Most people on Twitter automatically follow back, so wait until you have a small following before posting about your blog. Even though your niche is kind of dull (or at least you think it is), find ways to post exciting content about your industry. Don\'t promote tire patches in every post or you will labeled a spammer and quickly dropped. Instead, post interesting pictures of where you can mountain bike. Show places across the country where riders can go extreme, and the latest in bike accessories. Try to share information that could help a reader, and then for every ten posts, sprinkle in a few about the products you sell. Interesting pictures always grab attention, so be sure to post something related to your niche that is not going to bore them.

The next two social media websites that are perfect for a boring industry in Google+ and LinkedIn. These platforms are absolutely perfect for driving traffic to your business blog. These two websites are much more professional, and allow you to shine as a leader in your particular industry. Once you have a profile created on both of these websites, you begin to interact with people who share similarities in that industry. If you sell tire patches, join groups related to tires, the rubber industry, cycling, and so forth. There is a place in the profiles for you list your business blog address so everyone you interact with has the opportunity to find your business easily. Join some groups and position yourself as an expert in your industry rather than a salesman. Offer helpful advice and tips related to your industry so more people in your group come to respect you and your posts.

So, even if your product or industry is not the most exciting in the world, there are still great social media platforms for you to post your content to and interact with other people who have a strong interest in your industry.  You will be surprised by how many people are very interested in your industry and your products.


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